Workshop Session 2
Friday, March 14, 2025
2:45pm - 3:45pm
The Absolute Relativity
Led by:
Alberto de Campo
Bruno Gola
Due to late travel alterations, this workshop will take place online. See more information here.
The Absolute Relativity workshop invites 5-7 symposium participants to prepare a joint experimental performance: In advance of the symposium, we will send an open call to the participants inviting people to sign up and prepare two to three sound processes to be integrated in a collective performance environment written in SuperCollider, the NTMI. This environment is designed for exploring complex sound processes by intuitive interaction, and has recently been expanded for finely gradable layers of shared influence between multiple players.
We will make a collection with all sound processes shared by the participants, and before the workshop we ask them to practice with this environment individually to get to know each other’s sound worlds. In the workshop session all participants bring their own interfaces and setups running the NTMI environment, and we explore the different possibilities of mutual influence.
Room 820
Led by Joséphine Oberholtzer
Supriya is a Python API for SuperCollider - an alternative language client - in active development for the past ten years. This workshop will demonstrate usage of Supriya via an interactive Jupyter notebook, detailing its common “context” interface for realtime and non-realtime synthesis. We’ll examine Supriya’s support for both threaded and “asyncio” event-loop concurrency models, and walk through examples of unit generator graphs, clocks, and a basic pattern library. Throughout the demonstration, design decisions and underlying implementations will be emphasized. Time permitting, topics of unit testing, CI pipelines, and static typing will also be discussed.